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On a different day, Geng Lei and the King of Wei were under the Beijing Tower, looking up at birds. Geng Lei said to the King of Wei: "I draw the bow for the king and send it down to the bird." The King of Wei said: "But can the shot reach this point?" Geng Lei said: "Yes." There was a moment when the geese came from the east, Geng Lei said to the King of Wei. Send it down. The king of Wei said: "But can the shot reach this far?" Geng Lei said: "This is evil." The king said: "Sir, how do you know this?" He said to him: "It flies slowly and makes a sad sound. Those who fly slowly are sores and pain; The sad ones have been lost for a long time, so the sores have not subsided, and the fright has not yet arrived. When they hear the sound of strings, they fly high, so the sores die."
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< p> Birds frightened by bows and arrows are not easy to settle down.Describes that a person who has been frightened will be very frightened when encountering any movement (the word "frightened bow" here is reversed, which means "frightened by the bow")
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< p> Once upon a time, there was a man named Geng Lei, who was a famous archer. One day, he was drinking with Wei in the back garden. They looked up and saw a flying bird. Geng Lei said to the king of Wei: " I performed for the king the skill of making a bird fall by drawing the bow and making a false shot. King Wei shook his head and smiled: "Can archery skills reach such a high level?" Geng Lei said: "Yes." Not long after, a lone goose appeared. Flying slowly from the east, Geng Lei took a good posture, fully drew the bowstring, and shot an arrow. The goose fell in response. King Wei couldn't believe his eyes and exclaimed: "How do you know, sir?" Geng Lei explained with his bow. "This is a bird with a hidden injury. It is not because of my skill that it is frightened and falls after hearing the sound of a string." King Wei was even more puzzled: The wild goose was flying in the sky, how did you know that it had a hidden injury? Geng Lei replied. : "It flies slowly and sings loudly because it has been separated from the group for a long time. The original wounds have not healed and the panic has not been eliminated. As soon as it hears the sound of the string, it suddenly flaps its wings and flies high. In an instant, it flies high. It touches the old wound and makes it fall down due to pain.