"A Gift to Wang Lun" describes the scene when Wang Lun came to see Li Bai off. On the day Li Bai was leaving, Wang Lun gave him eight famous horses and ten bundles of silk, and sent his servants to deliver them to the ship. After giving a farewell banquet at home, Li Bai boarded a boat parked on Peach Blossom Pond. As the boat was about to leave the shore, he suddenly heard a burst of singing. Li Bai looked back and saw Wang Lun and many villagers walking on the shore singing to see him off. Li Bai was deeply moved by the host's deep friendship and simple way of seeing off guests.
The original text of "A Gift to Wang Lun" is as follows:
Li Bai was about to set off in a boat when he suddenly heard singing on the shore.
The water in Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun’s gift to me. ?
I was on the boat and just about to unmoor and set off when I suddenly heard the melodious sound of singing from the shore.
Look at the Peach Blossom Pond, even though it is a thousand feet deep, how can it match Wang Lun’s sentiments for sending me away.
Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty
Using Bixing techniques to express his gratitude to Wang Lun for his affectionate love. The metaphor of a "thousand-foot-deep" pool is a vivid and vivid metaphor for farewell, and the addition of the word "less than" enhances the moving power of the poem. This poem with obvious folk song flavor is natural, simple, fresh and smooth. The poet used the ordinary scenery in front of him as a metaphor to express his sincere affection with his friends.