Translation of favorite works.

Mencius visited Liang. Liang Huiwang stood by the pond, looking around Hongyan Elk, waiting for the birds and animals, and said, "Does the sage enjoy this?"

Mencius replied: "It is precisely because people with virtue can enjoy it, and people without virtue can't be happy even if they have these things. The Book of Songs says:' Start planning to build a funeral platform, and carefully make ingenious arrangements. People from all over the world are coming to work, and it will be built soon in a few days. There was no rush to build the platform, but people came by themselves. The king visited the spiritual garden, and the doe curled up in the deep grass. The doe's fur is plump and moist, and Bai Niao's feathers are clean. The king visited Lingema and the fish in the pond jumped happily. "Although Zhou Wenwang built high platforms and deep pools with the labor of ordinary people, ordinary people are very happy. They called that platform' Lingtai' and that pool' Lingfen', and they were very happy that there were rare birds and animals such as elk, fish and turtles in it. Ancient kings and people were very happy together, so they were really happy. On the contrary, Tang Shi said,' When will your grandson die? I'd rather be destroyed with you! People can't wait to die with you Even if you have a high platform and a deep pool, can you enjoy happiness alone? "