The idea of Islam playing in the morning

It's called bunker, noisy ceremony or summoning ceremony, which is in Arabic.

Eid al-Adha is a ritual that Islam summons Muslims to worship. Arabic "Azzan" is literally translated as Persian "Bang". They all mean "hoo". Whenever it is time for Muslims to pray, Muanzin or Raman will recite prayers loudly on the minaret and call Muslims to the mosque for worship. After Muhammad moved to Medina in 622, Muslims did not need to be called to worship. Later, when there were more Muslims, there was a lot of inconvenience. Muhammad decided to call people to worship with bells. In 624, the oral ceremony proposed by Abdullah bin Zadeh was adopted. The first ceremony was given to Bilal, a black Muslim. The eulogy is "God is the greatest! God is the greatest! I testify that there is no one but Allah! I prove that Muhammad is the messenger of God! Come and worship! Come and take the road to rescue! God is the greatest! God is the greatest! There is no one but God! " . Later, the Shiites slightly revised some words and phrases in the propaganda speech. (stable boy)