Vehicles roared, soldiers sang, and soldiers and arrows were tied to their waists. My parents, my parents, my wife and children all ran to see them. When they marched, the dust covered the sky and they couldn't see xian yangqiao. On the way, holding soldiers' clothes, eating and crying, the sky rushed into the sky. Passers-by asked the soldiers how they got there, saying only that the roster was frequently recruited. Some people go to the north of the Yellow River at the age of fifteen, even if they go to the western border to open up wasteland at the age of forty. Long in the middle, the hair is tied up with a headscarf, and when I come back, I am bald and guarding the border. Countless border guards shed blood and sacrificed to form seawater, and the concept of border defense in Huang Wu has not stopped. Haven't you heard that there are hundreds of villages covered with vegetation in 200 states east of Huashan Mountain? Even if a strong woman plows the field with a hoe, nothing will grow on the crops in the field. Moreover, the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty can fight hard, and there is no difference between chickens and dogs when they are rushed to fight. Although the elders have doubts, how dare those who serve complain? Just like this winter, we didn't stop the soldiers west of Hangukou from enlisting. The county magistrate urgently urges people to pay taxes. Where does the tax come from? If you really know that boys are a bad thing, you might as well have a girl. Girls can also marry their nearest neighbors, and boys will die in battle. Didn't you see Qinghai Head, where all the old bones were abandoned? The new ghost wails there, and the old one is loudest in the stormy dark sky.