The following is a poem in the Book of Songs: A Gentleman in the Service, which describes the wife's yearning for her husband who is away from home. Write naturally and simply. Please expand your imagination and use it.
When the sun goes down, the sunset clouds pollute the sky. After playing for a day, the chicken was tired, stretched and spread its wings, and slowly entered the henhouse; Cattle and sheep are full and show satisfaction, and go home together. (Write the basic "artistic conception" for 2 points, use rhetoric for 1 point, and fluency and elegance for 1 point. )
Test analysis: this question belongs to extended sentence pattern. When expanding, we should pay attention to the blending of scenes, and at the same time pay attention to the literary grace of sentences, so as to achieve smooth language and beautiful words. In addition, we should pay attention to the word limit, and do not exceed it.