Sinking fish and falling geese are two idioms. When a fish sank to the bottom of the water, a goose fell into the sandbar. Zhuangzi/Theory of Everything: Qiang Mao, Li Ji, the beauty of human beings; Fish see it deep, birds see it soaring, and elk see it determined. Who knows the positive color of the world? And replace it with it? Sink fish and fall wild goose? Describe a woman's beautiful appearance and excellent temperament. Close the moon and feel ashamed of flowers: avoid the moon and make the flowers feel ashamed of flowers. Used to describe the beauty of women. Wang Shifu's The West Chamber and Tang Xianzu's The Peony Pavilion both use their words to describe the beauty of women. Later, she became the four beauties.
When the stone washes the gauze, the fish in the river see the beauty of the stone and sink to the bottom with fun and shame. When Wang Zhaojun went to the fortress, the geese in the sky saw her beauty and flew down with shame. When she was in Yue Bai, Diusim's story, the moon saw her beauty, and the moon felt less, so she hid in the clouds in shame. Yang Guifei sees flowers, flowers see their beauty, and flowers are ashamed and closed. This beautiful woman can't express her beauty accurately in words, but only in things and actions. It's really beautiful.
Who has seen the four beauties in history? How beautiful is it? No one can say for sure. Beauty is in the heart and beauty is in the eyes. Love is beauty, and the standards of beauty are different. In the Tang Dynasty, Yang Guifei, who was slightly fat, was the beauty. In A Dream of Red Mansions, Daiyu, the ill material, is the beauty. Beauty is more popular now. Look at all kinds of fashionable beauty stars, and you will know that everyone has his own interests, and beauty is also colorful.
The meaning of this passage is that Cat Skin and Li Ji are considered beautiful women, but when fish see them, they dive into the water, birds see them, fly high into the air, and elk see them and flee quickly. Among people, fish, birds and elk, who really understands the beauty of the world?
To put it bluntly, this passage means that people think that beautiful women will run away when they are seen by animals. Zhuangzi first used this allusion to illustrate the diversity of cognitive standards.
That is to say,? Sink fish and fall wild goose? The original intention of this allusion is not to describe beautiful women, but the opposite.
Later, people used its meaning in reverse, which can be said to be a typical misunderstanding in cultural communication.