"Confucius Day:' After my death, my career is also growing, and my gift money is also losing.' Ceng Zi Day: "What is this?" Zi ri:' those who are good at business and morality are poor at giving. I don't know my son, but look at his father; I don't know who he is, but treat him as a friend; I don't know who it is, see what it does; If you don't know the land, just look at its vegetation. Therefore, living with goodwill is like entering Lan Zhi's room, and if you don't smell it for a long time, you will be integrated with it; Poor living environment, such as entering an abalone shop, will melt away if you don't smell its stench for a long time. What is hidden in the paint is black. Therefore, a gentleman must be careful where he is. "("Confucius said six books "volume 4)