Huanxisha remembers Su Shi.

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, in Lu, there was a bad word. Confucius had 3,000 disciples and 72 sages, of whom Mi Zibei was one. On the recommendation of Confucius, Lu Aigong asked him to govern the place where single fathers lived. When I first arrived there, Mi Ji Zi deliberately pulled his followers' arms while they were taking notes, which made their handwriting messy and accused them. The followers were full of anger. They sent a notice to Ai, who understood his hint and completely surrendered power without restraint. Since then, Jeremy has been a single father in Lide. He hired talents, while he stayed in the thatched cottage to play the piano. After three years, the local people's material spirit has been greatly improved, and Mi Ji Zi has won the reputation of "playing the piano to govern the country".

Zhong Qing, the word of Zhu Yi in the Western Han Dynasty, is famous for being honest and clean in governing Tongxiang, and is deeply loved by the people. When he was seriously ill, he left his last words and was buried in Tongxiang, and the people built an ancestral temple for him every year.

Su Shi was deeply touched when he thought of their deeds and contacted himself in Memories of Time Past. He approached from the text to see how he told them.

Su Shi is alone, looking around the lonely world. Recently, he often thinks of the story of rice bullet piano ruling his single father. In the past, his rosy face and black hair reflected weeping willows. Now, several temples are as white as frost and snow.

Making friends is like dreaming. Don't think about it. Then Zhu Zhongqing didn't leave Tongxiang, where everyone loved him.

Huanxisha recalls the past.

Song sushi

The fresh piano sound splashed in the hall. Zhu Yan's green hair reflects weeping willows. Now the autumn temples are dry with frost.

Getting together and making friends is like dreaming, but don't think about it. Zhong Qing will never avoid Tongxiang.

Su Shi's Huanxisha was written for nostalgia and lyricism. When he is frustrated, he often recalls the past and often remembers the story of Mizi's inferiority complex. He can't help comparing himself. He just thought it was really good. The reason why a saint becomes a saint really needs the right time, the right place and the right people to be understood and reused. Isn't that what he craves day and night?

Zhu Yan gradually disappeared, and her green hair turned white. Although time is passing, it still exists, and it is not bad to miss the saints. The reunion between friends is too fast and unreal, so don't care too much about the gains and losses of your career. Only by realizing the value before survival can we leave traces in some places, so that we can feel at ease after death, and maybe future generations can remember and praise it when they mention it.