Wang Yue's Artistic Conception
In the 23rd year of Xuanzong Kaiyuan (735), the poet went to Luoyang to study, but he came last, so he traveled to Qilu in the north. This poem was written while roaming. By depicting the majestic atmosphere of Mount Tai, we warmly praised the majestic momentum and magical and beautiful scenery of Mount Tai and expressed our love for the mountains and rivers of the motherland. The distance of waiting and seeing is from far to near, and the time is from morning till night. We are thinking about climbing Yueshan in the future. From far and near, to gaze, and finally look down, (space from far and near, the first joint looks far, the parallel joint looks near, the neck joint stares, and the tail joint looks down. When looking at Mount Tai, the author expressed his great ambition and broad mind, giving people an upward spiritual motivation.