Enemy soldiers rolled in like dark clouds in an attempt to destroy the city wall; Because our army is strict, the sun shines on the armor and the golden light flashes. In autumn, the loud bugles shake the earth; At night, the soldiers' blood coagulated into dark purple. The red flag is half-rolled, and reinforcements rush to Xiao; The night is frosty and the drums are gloomy. Just to repay the king's kindness, he held a sword and died.
2. Answer Wang Changling, the satrap of Wuling. The sword travels thousands of miles, and the body feels a word. I used to be a big beam guest and lived up to expectations. I want to travel thousands of miles with my sword, so I take the liberty to say a word to you. During the Warring States period, people who worked as doormen in Daliang never failed Xinlingjun. I got the support of the prefect in Wuling, and I will never forget your kindness to me.