The south produces delicious fish, which wags its tail. There is wine at a gentleman's banquet, and guests are happy.
Fresh fish are produced in the south, and fish swim with the current. There is wine at the gentleman's banquet, and the guests are at the banquet.
There is a branch bend in the south, and the gourd vine is tight. A gentleman's banquet includes wine, guests' banquet and peace.
Bo dove flies in the sky, gathering trees in all directions. There is wine at the gentleman's banquet, and the guests drink heartily, replacing wine with cups.
The south produces delicious fish, which swim around and wag their tails. There is wine at the gentleman's banquet, and the guests feast and edify. The south produces beautiful fresh fish, and the fish drift with the tide. Gentlemen feast with wine, and guests feast. There are winding branches in the south, and the gourd vines are tightly intertwined. There is wine in a gentleman's banquet, and guests like peace. Seagulls and pigeons fly in the air and gather in trees in all directions. There is wine at the gentleman's banquet, and the guests are happy to drink and persuade them to eat enough.
Extended data
This poem is a popular music song of Yan music in the Zhou Dynasty, and it is the same group of banquet poems as Xiaoya Yuli and Xiao Ya Nan Shan You Tai. The first song "Fish and Plum" praised the richness of food; The second song "There are Jiayu in the South" describes the feelings of the two sides; The last song "There is a Taiwan in Nanshan" is a great tribute to the guests, wishing them a long life and a bright future.
The whole poem has four chapters and four sentences. The first two chapters begin with swimming in fish, symbolizing the harmony between subject and object with fish and water, expressing the host's deep affection and making the whole poem in a harmonious and joyful atmosphere. The first two sentences of the two chapters are repeated with heavy chapters to strengthen the formation of this atmosphere. Fish is happy, people are happy, and they are interactive, one is virtual and the other is real. The jubilant scene and the mood of the host and guest were presented at the banquet. Just a few words, graceful and subtle, intended to be obscure and memorable.