Aigong asked Confucius, "I've heard of it. Do you believe it? " Yue: "Hey, people, why is it enough?" There is no other translation.

Aigong asked Confucius, "I heard that Kui has only one leg. Is it true? "

Confucius said, "Wei Xiao is a human being. Why does he only have one foot?" ? There is nothing unusual about him, but he is particularly familiar with temperament. Yao said, "One such person is enough." So he was appointed Lezheng. So, Mr. Wang said,' one is enough, not that he only has one leg.' "

Said by: Lv Qin is not afraid of disciple Lu Chunqiu's Tea Biography?

Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals is a masterpiece compiled by many scholars under the auspices of Lv Buwei, the prime minister of Qin State. This book was written on the eve of Qin Shihuang's unification of China. A book that focuses on learning from the strengths of many families, takes Taoism as the main body, and adopts the theories of Yin and Yang, Confucianism, Mohism, Fame and Law, and Military Agriculture.

Extended data

"Investigating biography" means observing hearsay. The article holds that there are often specious things in hearsay, which should be examined, pondered and verified, otherwise it will make a big mistake and even lead to national subjugation. The article is vivid and interesting based on fables.

The article mentioned that some words are full of specious, specious. The boundary between right and wrong must be distinguished, which is a problem that saints need to treat with special caution. Even so, how to be cautious? By following the laws of things and human rationality, we can get the real situation by examining the rumors we have heard in this way.