As fat as a pig
Fat as a pig
Bleeding like a pig
To bleed/pour down
A shop that sells alcohol illegally.
A shop that sells alcohol illegally.
Bring pigs to a good market.
Take pigs to the beautiful market.
Sell it cost-effectively.
Take pigs to the wrong market
Drive pigs to a good market
Sell at a loss; Failure, miscalculation
Buy a pig at random
Buy without looking at the goods carefully
A blind promise
Buy a pig in a bag
Buy without looking at the goods carefully
A blind promise
Transport pigs to the market
Try to sell something; Try to achieve some results.
A way to wake a sleeping person with cold water.
The way to wake a sleeping person with cold water.
snore thunderously
Follow sb. Like Anthony.
Follow sb.
Follow sb. Like a Tantony
Follow sb.
Catch the wrong pig's tail
Catch the wrong person; Blame the wrong person; The wrong person
Give it to sb. One's own pig
Deal with a man as he deals with you.
Show off oneself to sb.
Eating and drinking, eating too much, became a gluttony.
To die, destroy
End, destroy
Oil the fat pig.
Bribery to the rich
guinea pig
Guinea pig, guinea pig; People [things] used in experiments; [Ancient] A person who was rewarded for a small feat.
Pregnant with piglets
Be pregnant with a piglet (referring to a sow)
human flesh/meat
Human flesh (cannibal tribe term)
wolf down
Wolf down, eat and drink
If all goes well,
If circumstances permit, if everything goes well.
Sell pigs in your pocket
Selling goods by deception; false advertising
Selling pigs in bags
Selling goods by deception; false advertising
Stick pig
Hunt wild boar with darts (on horseback)
sweat profusely
Sweat all over (because of effort or fear)
Do the impossible
Teach pigs to play the flute and do absurd [impossible] things.
The pig passed through it.
Things can't go away just because someone interferes.
We don't kill pigs every day.
We don't have a feast every day.
What can you expect from pigs besides grunting?
Dogs can't spit ivory (used to say rude words).
What can you expect from pigs besides grunting?
Dogs can't spit ivory (used to say rude words).
Never possible.
Unless pigs can fly; Never; definitely not
A pig sandwiched between two sheets.
Ham sandwich
Stabbed pig
Goods bought without looking [looking carefully].
The pig in the bag
Goods bought without looking [looking carefully].
Snatch game
A person between the two sides of an argument.
People in the middle
A person between the two sides of an argument.
Let's eat
(= pigs together) [Mouth] Squeeze together like pigs and live in a dirty and crowded place.
Stop running and slow down (because of fatigue or panting); Retreat (from cowardice)
A rich man with rude manners
Very satisfied/satisfied
A game in which marbles are rolled into holes in plates.
Pigs may fly (if they have wings)
[Irony] That pig can also fly; Unless there is a miracle; Unless the rooster lay eggs.