This is a five-character quatrain written by Wang Anshi when he carried out the New Deal, which was opposed by conservatives, so he stopped and retired to Nanjing Zhongshan. Moling is Nanjing, which is Jinling. Poems are written on the journey to express the deep feelings of retiring from the rivers and lakes.
Wang Anshi has the talent of saving the world and protecting the country. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Renzong Jiayou advocated political reform for three years. Later, he was appointed as a political adviser and worshipped considerable power. He actively promoted the new policies of young crops, fair loss, easy market, free labor, irrigation and water conservancy, and suppressed the privileges of big bureaucrats, landlords and businessmen, so as to enrich Qiang Bing and resist the foreign invasion of Liao, Jin and Xixia. However, he was destroyed and obstructed by conservatives headed by Sima Guang, and finally left. So the first sentence of this poem sums up his experience that he can't help the world with his own economy. He feels very sad and angry. After all, according to the practice of officialdom in feudal times, retiring from the countryside is the destination. As the saying goes, "the countryside will destroy Hu Bugui", even a small official like Tao Yuanming chose the road to his hometown for the sake of not bending over for five buckets of rice, not to mention Wang Anshi? And Wang Anshi didn't want to retire, so he was at a loss to shoot the countryside. It is precisely because of this complicated mood that I rode a good horse on Moling Road and dismounted to drink water when I passed a stream. At this time, he was faced with a stream as clear as a mirror. When I saw that I had white hair, I felt that I had experienced many vicissitudes and was old, and it seemed that it was difficult to have a chance to make a comeback. "Diligence will lead to white hair", and use the word "diligence" to write a look of diligent hands sweeping hair; The word "lost" is the crowning touch of this lyric poem, which contains an embarrassing choice of a politician in a dilemma. Wang Anshi is a native of Linchuan, Jiangxi, but his retirement place is Zhongshan, Nanjing, and he is alienated from his hometown. Although he once recalled the people and things in his hometown, "I dreamed of Zhangjiang for ten years, and the old friends met again. At that time, it should only be the two sides of the strait, but spring is still pitiful." There is only a sense of melancholy in the breeze.