Imitate the poem above.

The answer (1) only leaves a smile, in the sunset. (2) leaving only a string of shadows, by the river. (3) the eyes in the dew are turbulent.

According to the last sentence of the poem, ① there is "sunset", ② there is "river" and ③ there is "dew". According to "Laughing into the Sunset" (1), there is "laughter". According to the "shadow swaying in the river", it can be known that there is a "shadow" in ②. Imitating the sentence pattern of "only a pair of eyes are left in the dew", we can see that ① is "only a smile is left in the sunset",

(2) For example, "Only a bunch of shadows are left in the river",

(3) the eyes are exposed. The words "a touch", "a string" and "bump" in the three sentences can also be replaced by other suitable words.

Test center: choose, imitate and change sentence patterns. The ability level is to express and apply e.