People praise others, saying that doing good deeds does not leave a name. If you plant good causes, you will eventually get good results. Good people will be rewarded. Although no one knows virtue, God knows goodness. God will bless people if they have good ideas. A person's heart is full of good thoughts, good deeds and good words. After a long time, the blessing will naturally come.
People need to accumulate virtue, and only by accumulating virtue can they accumulate wealth. Good without accumulation is not enough to be blessed; Without virtue, it is not enough to gather wealth.
Unkind people are not blessed, and people with insufficient virtue cannot accumulate wealth. A person's wealth is directly proportional to his virtue. The better a person's virtue, the more wealth, and the deeper the blessings.
"Four Seasons from Fan" said: "If you enjoy a hundred treasures, you must be a hundred gold people; To enjoy the wealth of a thousand dollars, it must be a thousand dollars. "
Everyone knows that silence can prolong life.
Wang Yangming once said: "To study the mystery of the immortal scriptures, sitting still is the way to see for a long time, which can be predicted for a long time." One can keep quiet and sit still, so as to cultivate one's self-cultivation and live forever.
In the tradition of China, meditation is a good way to keep fit. Li Bai, Su Shi, Bai Juyi and Lu You all like meditation. Guo Moruo was sickly since childhood, and later he was deaf because of typhoid fever, and his health has been poor. But later, he began to learn to sit still, practice silently every day, his mind gradually purified, and his body seemed to get better every day. Guo Moruo once said meaningfully: "Sit-in practice is really effective, and I am very much in favor of friends sitting in silence.
Huangdi Neijing said: "Quiet means God hides, while impetuous means death." Chinese medicine says: "Those who gain the spirit will prosper, while those who lose the spirit will die", and it is important to recuperate.
If a person can keep peace of mind, he can naturally live and see for a long time.