Confucius stood on the great river, looking at the rolling river, and sighed: the deceased is like a husband, never giving up day and night! He linked mountains and rivers with people's character: those who know enjoy water and those who are benevolent enjoy Leshan. He also described his ideal image of a water gentleman, saying that water has excellent qualities such as morality, righteousness, Taoism, courage, law, honesty, observation, ambition and kindness. In Guanzi Shuidi, water is called the source of everything, and everything in the world is generated by the change of water. Taoism says: goodness is like water. It is indisputable that water is beneficial to all things. The world is not weaker than water, the strong can't win (Tao Te Ching), and water becomes the embodiment of ideal personality.
The water written by literati is closely related to feelings, and the words are meticulous. In the vast pre-Qin period, the so-called Iraqis were on the water side (The Book of Songs); In the Spring and Autumn Period, I was as tall as Mount Tai and as magnificent as a river (Liezi Tang Wen). During the Boyazi period, mountains and rivers met bosom friends, and the story of peace talks with this song next to the flying sword was fixed as a story of the ages. The Three Kingdoms Jing Ke Ma Tie, Cao Cao said that the water is beautiful and the mountain island is beautiful ("Watching the Sea"); In the Peach Blossom Pond in the Tang Dynasty, the news (a gift for Wang Lun) sent to me by Wang Lun was not as deep as that of thousands of feet, and the pool was as deep as that of thousands of feet, but not as deep as the farewell letter sent to me by Wang Lun. Poet Li Bai improvised poems, and sincere friendship came into being, so Peach Blossom Pond became a common expression of feelings.
Later generations copied it and wrote it. If you want to ask the depth of the river, you should go as far as possible ("Doctor of the Twenty-one Rites of Ezhu Li"), but God's will is always worse than before. In the Song Dynasty, literati often set off their noble personality, broad-minded mind and handsome spirit by describing the open and clear water. In Zhang Xiaoxiang's "Nian Nujiao Crossing the Dongting", this is a clear sentence, which tells the literati that their integrity is noble and proud, and they are pure and beautiful.
Water sends true feelings, especially acacia. In ancient times, the traffic was inconvenient, and crossing the rivers, lakes and seas ahead was a barrier between lovers and friends, as well as the hometown of relatives. A steady stream of water often drives the transmission of ideas.
Li Zhiyi in the Northern Song Dynasty said: I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and you live at the end of the Yangtze River. I miss you every day, but I can't see you, so I drink Yangtze River water. The long Yangtze River water is not only a barrier between the two sides, but also a carrier of love in the distance. Away from people's eyes, the lovesickness of Iraqis can last thousands of miles along the running water. When spring comes, the sun rises from the river, the flowers on the river are brighter than red, and the green river is greener than the blue grass. How can we make people not miss Jiangnan? ("Recalling Jiangnan") Bai Juyi used to be the secretariat of Hangzhou and Suzhou, and wandered Jiangnan in his youth. Twelve years after he returned to Luoyang from Suzhou, he wrote "Recalling Jiangnan" at the age of 67, which endowed water with color, vitality and charm. How can he not miss Jiangnan in such a beautiful scenery of Chun Qing? Fan Zhongyan also wrote water to convey homesickness. At that time, he was serving as the propaganda ambassador of Shaanxi No.4 Road in the Northwest Frontier Army, presiding over the military defense of Xixia. Autumn scenery in front of him aroused his homesickness. He made blue sky, yellow leaves, autumn colors and waves, which were cold and ethereal. The mountain reflects the setting sun and the sky meets the water, and the grass is ruthless, even outside the setting sun. Dark homesickness, thoughts of chasing travel. Every night unless, sweet dreams make people unable to sleep. The bright moon tower is lonely, and the wine turns into sorrow and tears. ("Su Curtain Covers the Sky") Blue clouds, yellow leaves, cold waves, green smoke, fragrant grass and the setting sun, the water and the sky are endless, and a river of autumn water connects heaven and earth, telling the homesickness and the fatigue of the journey.
Qingyin said in Li Bai's "Into the Wine": You don't see how the water of the Yellow River moves out of the sky and into the ocean, and it will never return. The Yellow River water, which is gone forever, pours down in his works, connecting everything. In this world, thousands of miles of Ti Ying's green flowers reflect red flowers, and I will sit on a fishing rod, lazily in a stream pond, with endless water waves, such as windless mirrors and unpolished mirrors. The water is bright and blue. Nature endows water with strength, toughness and emotion, and water contains endless reproduction, which also causes scholars to think. Sometimes go to the end of the water to seek the source, or sit and watch the ever-changing clouds rise. (My retreat in Zhongnanshan) Wang Wei hid the Zen machine in Shui Yunjian. When the road turns into a stream and there seems to be no way out, I just sit down and watch the sky surge. The flowing water and white clouds in the mountains have aroused his endless interest. Walking, reaching, sitting and watching all seem to make him carefree. Even when water is poor, water can turn into clouds, and clouds can turn into rain. Why despair? This classic poem, which is often used as the motto of people's self-motivation, is exactly the same as Lu You's repeated doubts about mountains and rivers and the meaning of another village ("You Shanxi Village"). Adversity often contains infinite hope. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as you firmly believe, you can survive.
Water has enriched China's culture and art, and it is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for literati in past dynasties. When we look through the surface of these immortal poems, it is not difficult to find the literati personality spirit displayed in them. Isn't the tenacity, feelings and tolerance of water the pursuit of literati?