Seven Laws. Persuaded author: Wang Baochi learned to explore the forest, which is expensive and far-reaching, and no one has ever been anywhere near the wonders. Since ancient times, he has suffered a lot from great talents, and he has never been a great man. He has learned from the wonderful scenery and diligence in the mountains, and he has learned from the hardships in the spring. He is willing to leave others behind, but he is far away from being a gentleman.
It means: Since ancient times, people with great talents have always experienced many hardships, and there are few outstanding talents among those dude children. The peak of knowledge is beautiful, and only diligence is the way to success. In the ocean of knowledge, if you want to see the spring of hope, you should take hardship as the string. Scholar's romantic implication will never be lost to anyone, and he is more magnanimous in front of heroic people.