It looks forward to Yu Heng and runs with joy. Servants are welcome and children are waiting for the door. The three paths are barren, and the pine chrysanthemum still exists. Bring children into the room, there will be wine bottles. Lead the pot to think for yourself and make the court happy. Leaning against the south window to send lofty sentiments, judge your knees to be comfortable. Garden Day includes fun, although the door is fixed and often closed. Help the old man to rest, and correct his head if he goes far. Clouds come out of holes unintentionally, and birds don't know when to fly. The scenery is eager to enter, and it is lonely and broken.
Come back, please rest assured that you will never travel again. The world is against me, what can I ask for? Please love words from relatives, play music and read books to eliminate worries. The farmer told Yu Yichun that he wanted to do something with Xichou. Or a towel cart, or a boat This is not only a gentle and elegant road to find ravines, but also a rugged road through hills. Wood is thriving, and bloom is warm in spring. When everything is fine, I feel that my journey of life is over.
I don't hold grudges anymore! How long will you live in the apartment? What does Hu Wei want? Wealth is not my wish, and the emperor's hometown cannot be expected. When you are pregnant, you can go alone or plant a stick. Deng and He Lin wrote poems together. Chatting until the end, Loew's fate is ridiculous!