The first section, "fuck, Peng's salary. It is interesting to help the king. "The cypress is too lush, so it was cut down for firewood sacrifice and piled up for use. The king is distinguished and surrounded by his ministers.
The second section "Help the king and serve Zhang." It's embarrassing and embarrassing, but it's appropriate for a gentleman. "The king is noble, and the ministers around him hold Zhang Zan. Holding Zhang Zan's costume (attending the sacrifice), the country's talents behave appropriately.
Section 3 "I am a boat and I am an apprentice." Zhou Wang in wheat, six divisions. "Many boats are flooding, and everyone raises their oars to row. Zhou Wang set out on an expedition, followed by the Sixth Army.
Section 4 "This is a chapter in the sky. Zhou Wang Shoukao, isn't he human? " The milky way is vast and boundless, showing its brilliance in the sky. Zhou Wang has lived for so long, how can he not train talents?
The fifth section, "after cutting its chapter, happy ever after. Encourage my king and be strict with yourself. " Carve good materials, carve patterns, and let them happy ever after. Diligence is like my king, ruling and managing the whole world.
Peng (péng) Peng, lush plants. Yi (Yu), white (ruǐ). Park, I'm (bāo) stupid. Clouds (yǒu) gather firewood for sacrifice. Ji (jǐ) Ji, it's beautiful. King. King. Interest (qū), inclination. Serve and pass "hug". Zhang, that is, is a jade that holds wine during sacrifice. Gorgeous e-e. Temminick, gentleman, excellent man. You, suo. Appropriate, appropriate
Pi, the way a ship sails. Jing, Jing River. Disciples. In a word, paddle. Yumai, get out. Division, army, 2500 people for a division. Zhuo (Zhu Fei), boundless. Han Yun, the Milky Way. Chapters, articles, literary colors. Shu. Long life, spread "him". Be a man, cultivate and make people. Chasing (Du ι) and "carving"; Chasing is carving. Stage, endosperm and texture. Encouraged and diligent. Discipline, governance and management.
The whole poem consists of five sections, each of which is interesting except the second section. "Elegance" mostly adopts the way of "Fu" directly. Almost every sentence like this is very popular, but it is rare. The first section compares the prosperity of trees with the prosperity of the country. The second section, in undertaking the grand occasion assisted by ministers, further shows that the Zhou Dynasty was full of talents. In the third quarter, compared with people rowing excitedly, this is a metaphor, that is, Zhou Wenwang's army, like the rowers, will play an important role in the future battle. The fourth section, the Milky Way in the sky, celebrates King Wen's longevity and reminds him to train more talents for the Zhou Dynasty. In the fifth part, Zhou Wenwang's diligence in governing the country is metaphorically expressed in the way of golden carving and jade carving.
The Book of Songs is 238th, a total of 238th.