The king of Wei wanted to attack Handan. Hearing this, Liang Ji went against the middle ground and refused to leave. He went to see the king of Chu and said, "I saw people in a big bank today, so I drove them to the north and said to him,' I want Chu.' The minister said,' will the monarch of Chu regard Xi as the north?' Say, "My Ma Liang." Said:' Although the horse is good, this is not the way of Chu.' Said, "I often use it." The minister said,' although there are many uses, this is not the way of Chu.' Said,' This ruler is good.' The better this number, the farther away from Chu. Today, Wanimal wants to be the overlord and win the trust of the world. Relying on the size of the kingdom and the strong soldiers, we will attack Handan Guangzun, move over the king, and get farther away from the king. Jude to chu, north. "From" The Warring States Policy, Wei Zesi "
The king of Wei wanted to attack Handan. Hearing this, Liang Ji immediately turned back. He has no time to smooth the wrinkles on his clothes. He doesn't care about shaking the dust on his head. He hurried to visit Wang Wei and said, "I came back today and met someone on the road. He is driving north. He said to me,' I want to go to Chu.' I said,' If you are going to Chu, why are you going north?' He said, "My horse is fine." I said, "the horse is good, but this is not the way to Chu!" " (He) said,' My expenses are very high.' I said,' No matter how much money you spend, this road is not the way to Chu.' (He added):' My coachman is a good coachman.' These aspects are better, but farther from Chu!
Today's king wants to be the overlord and always wants to gain prestige in the world. However, relying on Wei's strength and excellent army, we attacked Handan, expanded the land and made it aristocratic. The more your Majesty does this, the farther you will be from establishing Wang Ye. It's like going to Chu but going to the north. "
Word annotation
North: Facing the north.
Hold: Hold in the palm of your hand.
Desire: want.
One: Go.
Although: even if.
Attack: attack.
Xi Wei: Why?
Use: cost.
Shit, shit.
Jude: Like, like.
1 1
Dahong: the main road. Translation of Taihang Mountain.
Drive: a carriage. 13
Jude: It seems so.