2, thousands of people ride the east, and the husband is at the top. What's the use of knowing your husband? A pony's white horse; Hair tied with ponytail, horsehead covered with gold; Deer sword, a deer in the waist, can be worth more than 10 million. A petty official in the fifteenth mansion, a doctor in the twentieth dynasty, an assistant in the thirty, and a resident in the forty cities. People are clean and white, and they have a beard; Ministry of Industry and Service of Ying Ying, Ran Ran and Zhong Chao. There are thousands of people sitting in the room, all of whom say that their husbands are extraordinary. -Shang Mo San.
3, jade-like, childe picturesque, who remembers the flourishing breeze, thin lips and light qi, romantic and natural and unrestrained, who remembers the riverbank to see the fallen flowers, Jiang Nanyu shore, bluebirds singing, who remembers that the childe became a monk, a handsome boy, and played through the fence, who remembers that he ordered cinnabar for Qing, and the road to the number one scholar was flawless, who remembers that he painted for Qing wholeheartedly and painted to his bones, who remembers that year. -Mozi qi