Ask for a poem of Chen Yinque's mourning for Wang Guowei

When a scholar studies, he will get rid of the shackles of vulgar truth and carry forward the truth. There is no free thought, not death. I dare not underestimate the essence of martyrdom in the ancient and modern sacred areas. Mr. Wang's will to see his independence and freedom by death has nothing to do with a person's grievances or the rise and fall of a surname. Oh! The tree is a stone in the house, but it is sad and not forgotten. It shows the miracle of philosophers, and it tells the truth about the massacre. I don't know that the afterlife was also written by Mr. Wang, or sometimes there is no chapter. Mr. Wang's theory may sometimes be negotiable. Only the spirit of independence and free thought have been worshipped for thousands of years, lasting forever, and * * * shines in Yong Guang.