What does BP mean in English (related to age), and M.

Before Present (English: BP) is a dating method used in archaeology to indicate the absolute age estimated by radiocarbon dating.

Since 1954, scholars have made the reference ages of all radiocarbon dating from 1950 for the first time, which is convenient for presenting the chronological data of carbon dating. Its principle is that by detecting the decay degree of radioactive carbon element (14C) contained in biological samples, how much time has passed after the death of the organism can be measured.

The year of origin is 1950, because radioactive carbon dating first appeared in this year. In addition, 1950 came earlier than the large-scale nuclear weapons test, which greatly changed the ratio of carbon fourteen to carbon twelve in the natural environment.

According to the carbon 14 dating data made in 2005, 1000B. P does not mean before 1005, but before 1950/0/000, that is, 950 years ago.