Lion lover Shishi Shishi vowed to eat ten lions. Shi always sees lions in the market. At ten o'clock, ten lions are suitable for the market. Shishi is in the right market at the right time. Stone regarded it as ten lions and died according to the arrow. Stone picks up the bodies of ten lions, which is just right for stone chambers. The stone room is wet, and the stone room is waiting to be cleaned. The swab in the stone room, the first taste of the stone is the bodies of ten lions. When I was eating, the first thing I knew was the bodies of ten lions, but they were actually the bodies of ten lions. Trial interpretation is a problem.
Translated as follows:
There is a poet named Shi in the stone house who likes to eat lions and vows to eat ten lions. This gentleman often goes to the market to find lions. Ten big lions came to the market at ten o'clock this day. At this time, he happened to be in the market. So the gentleman looked at the ten lions and killed them with his ten stone bows and arrows. Mr. Wang picked up the lion's body and walked back to the stone house. The stone house was very damp, so Mr. Wang asked his servant to clean it. After wiping, Mr. Wang began to try to eat the bodies of the ten lions. While he was eating, he realized that the ten lion corpses were not real lion corpses, but ten lions made of stones. Only then did Mr. Wang realize that this was a fact. Please try to explain it.