The elite Syrian Army Tiger Division has made great achievements and made a comeback. What is its real combat effectiveness?

Compared with other Syrian armies, Tiger Division has a strong fighting capacity and can be regarded as Syria's ace army. However, because Syria's industry is not very developed, the equipment equipped by the Tiger Division still lags behind some powerful troops in the world.

Tiger division is the 25th special division of Syrian government forces. Because of its bravery, it has won many victories for Syria, so it is called Tiger Master. The Tiger Division was formed to save Syria's defeat, and the Tiger Division did not disappoint the Syrian government. From Damascus to Idlib, it was invincible and recovered a lot of lost land, so its combat power was also very strong.

There are two main reasons for the tiger division's strong combat effectiveness. First, the military spirit of Tiger Division is very firm and brave in fighting. The Syrian war broke out because of the influence of western countries and the invasion of terrorist organizations, so Syria had to organize troops to resist and prevent the country from being divided. The Tiger Division was established to save the situation in Syria. Therefore, the fighting belief of the LTTE is to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and they are all fighting for peace.

Secondly, the equipment provided by the Tiger Division is also provided by Russia. Syria's own industry is not very developed, so the equipment of the army is not very good. However, Russia has given Syria great help in this respect, not only providing Syria with weapons and equipment, but even sending troops to help Syria calm down civil strife. As we all know, Russia is an industrial power, so the weapons it provides to Syria will certainly not be as bad as there.

In addition to the above two main reasons, there are some other more important reasons. Teacher Hu's grasp of the war situation and his use of troops are like gods; Fighting in Syria, the Tiger Division is extremely familiar with the terrain and other environments.