When Li Shangyin wrote a note to a friend in the north on a rainy night, he was an official outside. He actually wanted to write Rain in the Night, but it refers to his wife. He wants to give a letter to his wife. You asked him about coming back too early. At that time, Li Shangyin's wife was ill, and he wanted to go back, but he couldn't. He can only express his concern for his wife by letters.
However, before the poem reached his wife, Li Shangyin learned that her wife had died of illness. I believe that in ancient times, when there was no news, it would take several months for the news of his wife's death to reach Li Shangyin.
Li Shangyin was very sad to learn of his wife's death. What we can feel in the poem is that his wife is expecting his return, but he can only tell her with his heart that he misses his environment and loneliness, and he is also eager to be with his wife.
Li Shangyin's classic sentence:
1, to see the sun, for all his glory, buried by the coming night. This sentence expresses that the beauty of the sunset is good, but dusk is approaching and time flies, which makes people feel infinite regret.
2. Never stop, even this bright flame of love will only have ashes? . This sentence expresses that you can't easily pay for lovesickness, because once you pay, it will turn to ashes, which makes people feel infinite pain.
It was a long time ago that I met her, but since we separated, the time has become longer, the east wind has started and a hundred flowers have blossomed. This sentence expresses that it is not easy to meet, and it is even harder to leave, which makes people feel the shortness of meeting and the pain of leaving.
I hope to unite and never part. This sentence expresses the hope of getting a loyal partner until they grow old together, which makes people feel the desire and cherish for love.
Although my body doesn't have bright wings like a phoenix, I can feel the harmonious heartbeat of the sacred unicorn. This sentence expresses that although the body can't live without Cai Feng's wings, the mind is as tacit as a natural connection, which makes people feel connected and deeply emotional.
6. Birds go to the mountains and people sing and cry. This sentence expresses the eternity of nature and the impermanence of life, which makes people feel that life is short and precious.