The names with the character Yan in the Book of Songs are as follows:
Yan Rui - taken from Cheng Gongxu's poem "Mr. Yuezhai is a scholar in the world, and the Wan Yan, Cong Huang and Huang Guo rule the country." 》
Yan: The word Yan is pronounced as yǎn, and the five elements of the character Yan belong to fire. When used as a person’s name, it means perfection, purity, purity and innocence;
Rui: The word Rui is pronounced as ruì , the five elements of the word "Rui" belong to gold, and when used as a person's name, it means auspiciousness, well-being, happiness, and beauty;
Yanbo - taken from Huang Tingjian's poem "The maggots are stirring the spring fermented grains, Zhang Zhonglinjin Xu Guocai" . 》
Yan: The word Yan is pronounced as yǎn, and the five elements of the character Yan belong to fire. When used as a person’s name, it means perfection, purity, purity and innocence;
Bo: The word Bo is pronounced as bó , the five elements of the word Bo belong to water, and when used as a name, it means broad, profound, tolerant and enterprising;
Yansong - taken from Mao Pang's poem "I want to see Qiu Yan, there are three paths of pines and chrysanthemums." 》
Yan: The character Yan is pronounced as yǎn, and the five elements of the character Yan belong to fire. When used as a person’s name, it means perfection, purity, purity and innocence;
Song: The character of Song is pronounced as sōng. , the five elements of the Chinese character "pine" belong to wood, and when used as a person's name, it means strong, noble moral character, and longevity;
Yanxiang - taken from Huang Tingjian's poem "The maggots stir up the spring fermented grains, and Zhang Zhonglin Jin Xuguocai."
Yan: The character Yan is pronounced as yǎn, and the five elements of the character Yan belong to fire. When used as a name, it means perfection, purity, purity and innocence;
Xiang: The character of Xiang is pronounced as xiáng , the five elements of Xiang belong to the earth, and when used as a name, it means freedom, prosperity and auspiciousness;