A poem of family happiness
The white hair on the temples, the skin is no longer solid. Although there are five men, writing is always bad. Sue is 28, so she is lazy, so she has no horse. A Xuan is eager to learn, but he doesn't like literature. Duan Yong is thirteen years old. He doesn't know six or seven. His son is nine years old, but he is looking for pears and chestnuts. This is a lucky thing. He is in the cup.
Wu mulberry leaves are green, and Wu silkworm sleeps three times. My family sent it to Donglu, and Donglu planted a turtle in the shade. It's not as good as a spring outing. Jiang Xing was at a loss. The south wind blew home and flew in front of the restaurant. There is a peach in the east of the building, and its branches and leaves are full of smoke. I planted this tree, so don't come for three years. The peach tree is as tall as the restaurant now, but I still went there and never came back.
My Nv Jiao's name is Pingyang, and my hand is folded on the side plate of the peach tree when I go home. Peach blossom can't see his father's face, and tears are pouring down his face. My child's name is Qin Bo, and he is as tall as his sister. Under the double-row peach trees, whoever cares about the back, who thinks about the second, worries about the liver and intestines, and writes far-reaching separatist words, so it is Wenyangchuan.
Jizai, a good man, asked people's surnames when he was studying English the year before last, and recited old-fashioned poems. The world is in chaos, the family is poor and the mother is kind, the deer gate is not lifted well, the goose foot is difficult to walk, the heavens and the earth are full, and the mountains and rivers are at war. If I can go back to see my family, I will try to meet as soon as possible without delay.