Soak in water for fun, soak in water: the general term for beans; Soak in water: beans and water refer to the most common food; Try to win favor, especially to serve parents. Use beans and water to support parents and win their favor. It means that although you are poor, you are devoted to filial piety. From the Book of Rites under Tan Gong: "Yue:' Hurt! Poor also! Life without support, death without ceremony. "Confucius said:' It's filial piety to sip water and finish it. "
The next sentence means
It is a kind of family happiness for poor families to care for their parents and win the joy of their loved ones, so that the elderly can spend their old age safely. A father should teach his children the rules and regulations of being a man, which is a good father's intention to love his son. Shao means that only by inheriting his father's career can he reproduce and carry forward his ancestors' career, so as not to disgrace his parents' reputation.
Lover is synonymous with the death of parents; Chongqing Xia means that grandparents and parents are there. Those who are good at seeking future generations are called swallow wings; The descendants who can inherit the sages are called township sages.