How to pronounce 婳 How to spell 婳

1. The pronunciation of 婳 is huà.

2. Detailed meaning: adjective, describing beauty.

3. Word: 彽婳, describing a woman who is quiet and beautiful.

4. Related groups of words: 婳祎,彽婳,明婳,罽婳,彽婳婔.

5. Shuowen Jiezi explanation: It is quiet and good, and it comes from the female painting voice.

6. Verse:

A cut of plum blossom·婳

Traveling through half armor with a sword.

People from the south are in harmony with the north, and the autumn moon and spring flowers are beautiful.

Feihong was startled by the clouds and smoke.

The ice wheel is turning for the first time, and the yarn is being combed in the quiet night.

Heaven’s grace is bestowed upon beautiful people.

On the bank of the Chushui River, there is a lovely lady.

There will come a time when duckweeds gather and disperse.

The heart is like still water, and love is like blooming flowers.