Confucius said: "a gentleman has no excessive demands on diet, as long as he can eat enough;" Don't live comfortably, just be safe. I am diligent and agile, but I am careful what I say. It can be said that I am eager to learn when I go to a virtuous person to correct myself. "
The first four sentences of The Analects are the arguments of the fifth sentence. Never have enough to eat, never seek stability in life-moderate, sensitive to things, cautious in words and deeds-do things with high execution and talk less. At this point, it is a good study.
It can be seen that Confucius' knowledge is not a simple reference, but something more grounded.
Based on this, we can think that learning is mainly for ourselves. In order to survive in this society better, we must do something.
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At 8 o'clock this evening, the company organized an online class. Teacher Zhang said that the topic is: Excellence begins with employees.
Due to the limited time, the whole course was only partially covered. But it has benefited a lot. The course mainly focuses on the influence of human mental model. Specifically, there are eight factors that prevent employees from becoming excellent and eight factors that help employees become excellent.
After listening for an hour and a half, I think the core factors are: continuous learning and regular re-examination.
Here are eight factors that prevent employees from becoming excellent:
00 1 immediate repayment.
002 takes others' efforts for granted.
003 is too self-centered, frequently changes jobs, refuses to change, dares not be responsible for the results, refuses to learn, and does not know how to persist. Among them, the first six factors are objective factors, and the last two factors are the fundamental reasons.
Why do you say that? Because the first six factors are not dominated by our own subjective consciousness. Speaking of this, some people will ask, those are things that people take the initiative to do, such as frequent job hopping. That is, employees are dissatisfied with the company and actively choose to quit.
But I want to say that it is precisely because employees don't know enough about job-hopping that they think job-hopping is the way out.
Why don't employees have enough knowledge to guide their behavior? I just haven't studied enough.
If an employee has read "Dry Method" by kazuo inamori, the Japanese "God of Management", he will learn what to do when he encounters various difficulties and is extremely distressed in his own company and wants to change jobs. It is by no means mindless job-hopping, but trying to overcome difficulties, creating conditions unconditionally, and continuing to work as hard as anyone else.
If an employee has read nonviolent communication, he will learn: empathy, that is, thinking from the perspective of others. I will never be self-centered and take the efforts of others for granted.
Let's talk about eight factors that make employees become excellent: positive mental model, super sense of responsibility, super pressure resistance, team awareness, rule awareness, innovation awareness, result orientation and continuous learning.
The first thing to understand here is: why study? Want to study?
Because a book is the essence of the author's life experience. It can be said that after reading a book, we must ponder it carefully. That's equivalent to having another person's life experience in a very short time, from two days to one month.
This means that every extra book you read is equivalent to an extra lifetime. If you read 3000 books, that's great. What do you mean? Here it is.
Let's go back to the eight factors that make employees excellent. How can we get the top seven advantages? Definitely not by frequent job hopping. It's learning.
As I said before, the core factor to make employees, or everyone, excellent is continuous learning. The importance of learning has been mentioned before, and I want to put "sustainability" at the end. Because of this, there is nothing to say.
I think everyone understands this truth. I believe everyone's ears are covered with cocoons because of the story of dripping water wears away the stone. Although the reason is simple, it is useful.
Persistence, or persistence, is difficult for most people. We always heat for three minutes, fish for three days and dry the net for two days.
I also recommend a book "Micro Habits" here. The power of habit formation is terrible, and it is difficult to form a habit. This book is about how to cultivate a habit. I hope it is useful to you, which is also the result of learning.
Finally, share a poem that I like very much.
The sky is boundless and will be donated to the sea.
Come on!