Pile the fine sand into a pagoda. Many a mickle makes a mickle. Dai Kui's Book of yi county Chengzhi Zen Master: "It is not far from Xiaoxiang, so the place to visit is to plant sticks in Longquan, go back to Magu, build Galand, chisel ridges to build towers with sand, and build gardens because of mountains, so you don't have to spend money to buy land."
Bing Xin's "Farewell to Little Readers" XIII: "The' small' is from a personal point of view, and the party always attaches importance to the power of the masses." .
The explanation of sand accumulation is also called "sand accumulation". "Hokkekyo Convenience Products": "Playing with children, gathering sand is a stupa; If so, all people will become Buddhists and Taoists. " The original metaphor is small and big. Later, it also refers to young people's desire for Taoism and their study of Buddhism.
Yu Zhining's Preface to the Western Regions of Datang: "In the year of strange opening, Xia Xuan held the moon; Collect sand.