What are the characteristics of Platanus acerifolia?

Platanus acerifolia is a deciduous tree, belonging to Platanus of Malvaceae. Its trunk is as high as 15 meters, and its bark is gray and shallow when it is old. Young branches and petioles are somewhat yellowish brown pubescent, and the white pulp in the branches has a yellowish thin diaphragm. Leaf blade broadly ovoid, ovoid, triangular ovoid or ovoid-elliptic, apex acuminate, base truncated or broadly wedge-shaped, rarely subcordate, entire or undulate, sparsely pubescent or subglabrous on both surfaces.

The leaves of Platanus acerifolia will gradually turn yellow in autumn and have strong vitality. Even when other plants are gradually depressed, it can still keep alive. Therefore, the phoenix tree has become a symbol of tenacious vitality.