1. If there is a lamp but no moon, it will not entertain people. If there is a moon but no lamp, it will not be spring. When spring arrives in the world, people are like jade, and when the lamp is burning, the moon is like silver. The streets are full of pearls and emeralds, and the village girls are dancing, and the gods are playing and singing. If you don't show your beauty and open your mouth to smile, how can you spend this good time? ——(Ming Dynasty) Tang Yin's "Yanxiao"
Translation: On such a night, if there are only brilliant lights and no bright moon, it will be impossible to enjoy it. On such a night, if there is only a bright moon and no bright moon, it will be impossible to enjoy it. Lamp, nothing can bring spring. Spring comes to the world with light steps, beauties are like flowers and jade, lanterns burn with joyful smiles under the moon, and the moon is like water and silver. The streets are full of shining jewels and emeralds. They are village girls on spring outings. Their singing voices are loud and their pipes are melodious. They are the young men in Saishe Shen. If you don't have fun and laugh, how can you deserve such an auspicious day?
2. It was not the dark dust and bright moon, it was Yuan Ye. ——Jiang Jie, "The Crown Prince?" New Year's Eve"
Translation: It's no longer as good as in the past, when the gentry and women were a mess, and the colorful lanterns reflected the red dust and the sky was filled with dust. It's no longer as good as in the past, when the colorful lanterns reflected the red dust and the sky was confusing.
3. Thousands of colorful flowers and trees make the sky colorful and colorful. Brightly colored lanterns are hung high, wishing for happiness for a million years. ——Sa Ran's "Yuanxiao"
4. All the players are playing with plums, and all the singing is falling. Jinwu can't help but stay at night, and the jade leaks don't urge each other. ——Su Weiwei's "The Fifteenth Night of the First Month"
Translation: Under the shadow of the moonlight, the singing girls were dressed in colorful flowers and heavy makeup, singing "Plum Blossoms Fall" as they walked.
The night ban has been lifted in the capital, so don’t be too busy with timekeeping. Don’t let the Lantern Festival night, which only happens once a year, pass by in a hurry.
5. There is a feast in Jinli, and the orchids are beautiful in the early years. The colors are scattered far away from the ground, and the bright light is far away in the sky. ——Lu Zhaolin's "Fifteen Nights of Lantern Viewing"
Translation: In the gorgeously colored lights, the couple held a banquet and had fun to celebrate. Under the exquisite lamps, the young people looked even more bright and beautiful.
The brilliant colors of the lights seem to have separated the earth from a distance, and numerous lights dot the sky far away.
6. The trees and flowers bloom together, and the iron locks of the star bridge open. The dark dust follows the horse, and the bright moon follows the person. All the riding horses are picking plums, and all the singing songs are falling plum blossoms. Jinwu can't help but stay at night, and the jade leaks don't urge each other. ——(Tang Dynasty) Su Weiwei's "The Fifteenth Night of the First Month"
Translation: The bright lights are scattered, and the bright light is reflected in the depths of the garden, like delicate flowers; because it is accessible everywhere, the iron locks of the city gate Also opened. The crowds are surging, and dust is flying under the horses' hooves; the moonlight shines in every corner, and people can see the bright moon everywhere. Under the shadow of the moonlight, the singing girls were dressed in colorful flowers and heavy makeup, singing "Plum Blossoms Fall" as they walked. The night ban has been lifted in the capital, so don’t be too busy with the timing. Don’t let the Lantern Festival night, which only happens once a year, pass by in a hurry.