when the six kings are finished, the four seas are one, and the mountains of Shu are upright, and the rooms are out.
the stars are shining, and the makeup mirror is also open; Lv Yun disturbing, comb Xiao Huan also; The nutrient-laden flow is greasy, and the fat water is abandoned; The smoke is oblique and foggy, and the pepper orchid is also burned.
A Fang Gong Fu Du Mu
The earliest sandstorm in the history books:
The ugly night in April of the first year of Emperor Chengdi's founding, the northwest is like a fire. In the morning, the wind started from the northwest, and the clouds were red and yellow, which blocked the whole world, and the people who landed day and night were also covered with loess dust.
Hanshu Volume 27 Above the Five Elements
The smog with a long history in Beijing:
In March of the second year of Yuan Tianli (1329), it was "rainy and hazy" and "it was too dark to see the sun, and passers-by hid their faces."
In the twelfth lunar month in the sixth year of Yuan Dynasty (134), "The fog was mostly locked, and the sun was not seen for many days, and all the doors were hidden in the wind haze". "The wind haze covered the capital for several days, and the emperor was afraid of the wrath of the gods, so he sent the ritual department to burn incense and pray for the gods to drive away the wind haze."
History of the Yuan Dynasty
In the early spring of the fourth year of Chenghua in Ming Dynasty (1468), "This year, the weather was cold and miserable, and the wind was foggy and cloudy." "In the past one or two days, the yellow fog has covered the sun, and the stars and the sun have not been seen day and night."
in April of the seventeenth year of Ming Chenghua (1481), "there were strong winds for several days, and dust and haze covered the air".
in the twenty-first year of Chenghua (1485), "at the end of the first month, the capital was overcast, and it was scattered from morning till noon." "After three days, the haze began to rise again, and it did not disperse for five days, which caused the grain transportation to be relieved, and the official warehouse of Jingshi was in a hurry."
in the tenth year of Hongzhi (1497), "there was no snow in the capital last winter, but it was windy and cloudy this spring". "Haze dust accumulates outside Xizhimen, and it is difficult to see passers-by. The loyalist army half covers the city gate to cover the dust."
in the 11th year of Wanli (1583), "Xin You was in the first month, and there was a haze in the capital. In the leap of February, there was a haze in the capital, and in April, Zhang Siwei, a great scholar, said,' The haze is steep, and the yellow sand covers the sky.' ""I haven't seen the West Mountain for five days. Hungry people come into the city to beg, and the good people in the temple give it. "
A Record of Ming Xianzong
In the 6th year of Kangxi (in 1721), "Today (the examination) is published, and the yellow fog is blocked, and the haze and sand cover the sun. With such a strong wind, the list will be damaged. "
In the fifteenth year of Jiaqing (181), "After the capital entered the twelfth lunar month, there were fogs and haze rising from time to time, and it was reported in Wanping and Daxing." "Qiongdao (now Beihai) is foggy and sealed, and it is difficult to see the truth. jingshan park is hidden in the wind and rain, and the imperial secretary is hidden in the temple, and sometimes he visits."
in the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856), "since the winter, there has been less snow and more fog, and when the soil, rain and wind are hazy, it is close to the capital, with Changping and Wanping as the dense places."