Letters to Wei Qing and Huo Qubing

The son of heaven said, "The Xiongnu rebelled against heaven, disturbed human relations, abused the elderly, used theft as a service, bullied the barbarians, sought to borrow soldiers, and counted it as a border disaster. Therefore, they mobilized their troops and sent their generals to levy treason. Nothing is said in the poem,' Cut the tiger, as for Taiyuan',' Drive Pumbaa, north of the city'. In the past, there was a general riding a chariot to the top of Duqing Xihe River, bowing to Rong Shi and Shi Dajie, and winning Attila with ten men and winning the first prize of 2,300. After the livestock were born, they were collected as brine, so they decided to set up land in the western part of southern Henan. According to the old fortress in western Henan, Ziling, Liangbeihe, begging for mud, breaking the symbol, cutting the soldiers lightly, and taking the ugly report, there were more than one million horses, cattle and sheep. Today, the general of the ancient title of generals in ancient times has gone to the hospital, and the rate of illness has exceeded that of soldiers. He wants to be quick, involved in fox slaves, and went through five countries, and he who is more surprised than others takes it, hoping to win Khan. Thousands of miles over Yanqi Mountain, together they killed the king of Lan, beheaded the king, punished the whole armor, captured the evil king and a surname, and captured more than 8,000 ranks. After resting and offering sacrifices to the Golden Heaven, he overstepped and overtook others, attacked Qilian Mountain, and gained the toast. He was reduced by 2,500 people, and his rank was cut by 3,200, winning five emperors and five kings. The rate of receiving grain was allocated to rations, and thousands of people were controlled into strings, and they were punished. More than 8,000 people were awarded first-class merits and surrendered to 32 foreign kings. The soldiers didn't leave the wound, hundreds of thousands of people were still wearing clothes and working with them, and the river was blocked. Those who bend the general and get the porridge are lightly left and right, lose their curtain, get involved, seize the punishment, turn to the left general, seize the flag and drum, and go through the left Hou. Ji won three men, such as Tuntou Wang and others, and eighty-three men, such as General, General, Master and Taishi. He sealed wolves in Xushan, meditated in Gu Yan, and boarded the vast sea. There is nothing wrong with it, but it will last forever. "