First, the first agricultural altar-offering sacrifices to the first agricultural god.
In the Ming and Qing dynasties, every spring, the emperor would lead hundreds of officials from the people and the army to the altar of the immortals, offering sacrifices to the immortals, praying for a good weather and a bumper harvest. Xiannongtan is an ancient sacrificial farm with the highest rank, the largest scale and the most complete preservation in China.
Second, the Temple of Heaven-Sacrifice to God
During the winter solstice, emperors usually hold sacrifices in the Temple of Heaven. The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is very grand, usually presided over by the emperor himself, which embodies people's feelings of reverence for heaven and earth and respect for nature, and expresses the emperor's desire to pray for sunny weather for his own people and the whole world. The solstice of winter is the coldest season of the year, which means that the cathode rises and everything begins to recover and grow. The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is held on the solstice of winter, which means that the country revives and the people live and work in peace and contentment. The construction of the Temple of Heaven began in Yongle period of Ming Dynasty, and was finally completed in Qianlong period after continuous repair and expansion.
Third, the altar-worship the sun god.
The vernal equinox worships the sun god on the altar, praying that the sunshine will bring a bumper harvest for a year. Before 1949, most altars were unfortunately destroyed. 195 1 year later, it began to expand again, forming today's altar landscape.
Fourth, Yuetan Park-Sacrificing the Moon and Stars
In ancient times, the autumnal equinox was the place where emperors offered sacrifices to the night gods (that is, the moon) and the gods of the stars in the sky, which was formerly called "Xiyue altar". Because of its destruction and restoration, the Moon Altar has a large number of ancient relics and unique new attractions. It is divided into two parts: South Park and North Park. The architectural styles of these two gardens are very different.
Five, Ditan-the god who sacrificed to the emperor
Ditan is the second largest altar among the five altars. It is the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties sacrificed to the "God of the Emperor", and it is also the largest ground sacrificial altar in China. The architectural style of Ditan is designed in strict accordance with the traditional and symbolic legends of ancient China, such as "the sky is round and the place is round" and "the sky is blue and the land is yellow". The current Ditan is also worth visiting. In autumn, Ginkgo Avenue in Ditan is very beautiful, attracting many tourists to watch it.