When the wanderer opened the letter, he felt as sad as the white snow in the wind. Thank you. If it helps you. Last year I sent books and newspapers to the balcony. There is a brocade calligraphy book, which makes people sigh when it is opened and sealed, and the green hair of the cloud servant is finished combing and knotting. Waiting to come but not coming: Don't come back home after a few springs. It writes about a wanderer who misses his wife at home. The east wind blows, and I imagine the plight of my wife at home who misses me. This year I send letters to each other to destroy each other. "Long Farewell" is a poem written by Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. While I am sad, I see five cherry blossoms through the jade window. The fallen flowers and the silence of the moss make the longing even heavier.
At this point, his heart is broken and his heart is broken. He blows the clouds for me to bring me to the west