Children want to support their parents, but parents can't wait for this day. When I used to sigh that my children should be filial, my parents had passed away.
The wind is endless, which is the helplessness of the tree; It is the helplessness of the dutiful son to stay around.
Later generations used "the sorrow of the wind tree" as a metaphor for the pain of bereavement. The original words came from Gao Yu, not Confucius. But it has always been regarded as the language of Confucius. This mistake is a bit like the famous saying "food, color and sex are also important". Many people regard the source of this sentence as Confucius. In fact, this sentence comes from Mencius. The person who said this was neither Confucius nor Mencius, but a penitent.
Father wants education, what is done is done.
Elders should be educated, but habits have been formed and cannot be changed.