In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius wrote "Two Eight Thoughts on Confucius' Family Words": "If you are thick with friends, you will lose three! The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind never stops. The son should be raised, not kept. "
It is the third mistake to break off contact early when friends have deep friendship. The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind keeps blowing it. When children are filial, the old man is gone!
This is what Qiu Wuzi said to Confucius, aiming at promoting Confucian filial piety. This is a warning to filial sons from the opposite side, explaining that filial piety should be timely, and when parents are alive, they can't wait until the day their parents die.
Later, the metaphor of "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind will not stop" is an objective law that does not depend on people's subjective wishes. It is also used to indicate that one party wants to stop doing something, but the other party won't let it stop. Doing something here generally means injustice.