Traveling is Difficult (1)
Ten thousand dollars worth of wine in gold bottles, and ten thousand dollars worth of treasures on jade plates. Stopping the cup and throwing chopsticks, I can't eat. I draw my sword and look around at a loss. I want to cross the Yellow River, which is blocked by ice, and I will climb the snow-covered mountains of Taihang. When I was free to fish on the Bixi River, I suddenly took a boat and dreamed of the sun. The journey is difficult, the journey is difficult, the roads are divided, where are you now? There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, and the cloud sails are hung directly to help the sea.
The road is difficult (2)
The road is like the blue sky, I alone cannot reach it. I am ashamed to be chased out of the Chang'an community, and the red chickens and white pheasants gamble on pears and chestnuts. Playing the sword, making songs and making bitter sounds, dragging the train to the king's door is not suitable. Han Xin was laughed at in the market of Huaiyin, and Jia Sheng was jealous of the officials of the Han Dynasty. Don't you see that in the past, the Yan family valued Guo Wei, and there was no doubt about it. Xin Leyi is grateful for the drama, and the liver transfusion and bile dissection are effective for the talented people. King Zhao's bones linger in the vines, who is more likely to sweep away the golden platform? The journey is difficult, come back!
Traveling is Difficult (3)
If you have ears, don’t wash the Yingchuan River. If you have a mouth, don't eat Shouyang fern. Han Guang lives in a world of nobility and no fame. Why use being so tall to compare with the clouds and the moon? I observe wise men from ancient times. No matter how successful you are, you will all perish. Zixu abandoned Wujiang and went up. Qu Yuan finally fled to the Xiang River. How can Lu Jixiong protect himself? It's not too early for Li Si to suffer the consequences of taxation. The chirping of cranes in Huating can be heard. There is no way to go up to Cai Cang Ying. Don't you see, Zhang Han in Wuzhong is called Dasheng. The autumn wind suddenly reminds me of traveling to the east of the Yangtze River. Let's enjoy a glass of wine before death. Why do you need to be famous for thousands of years after your death?