2, the heat is not enough for fear, such as retreating to Tibet. Young slaves first recommended pillows, and Huang Yi rose to the hall. Birds are singing in the dark, and the rain carries the fragrance of lotus leaves. It's cool at night and you can walk to the west wing.
3. The hot summer lasts for seven days, and the sun shines at eight in the morning. Going out for a few steps is sweaty, and peace of mind is naturally cool.
4. Slight summer heat: the wind is warm, the bees inhabit the wall, and the eagle begins. Summer heat: rotten grass is firefly, the soil is hot and humid, when it rains heavily.
5, sudden warm wind, due to slight heat. As soon as the sound of bamboo shouted, it began to rain. The mountain was dark and thunder burst. The dark green household makes the president green. Eagles learn new things, but crickets are in no hurry.
6. I broke the lotus, the bridge was full of fog, I played in the water in early summer, and there were filaments falling in the morning.