The desolation is the day in Chang'an, and the sobs are not the water of Longtou. What does it mean?

The desolation is the day in Chang'an, and the sobs are not Longtou Water." This is a beautiful line from a poet in the Qing Dynasty praising the Marco Polo Bridge. It is not Longtou Water, but it is good. The flowing water under this bridge is It was originally the confluence of the Sanggan River and the Hun River. The construction of the bridge did not begin in the Northern Song Dynasty, nor did it begin when the Mongols occupied Beiping. The wooden bridge on the bridge was replaced and made of stone. This was seen in the imperial edict of the Jin Dynasty. It is said: "The bridge was completed in March of the second year of Mingchang. It was named Guangli and the east and west corridors were built to facilitate tourists.