By the stream-I saw a stream with weeping willows and jade belts, and a child was fishing. At the moment when the fish was hooked, the child was in a hurry; The stream moved, the figure was broken, the fish jumped, people were happy, and the stream was lively.
On the river-I saw a group of children swimming and paddling in the clear river. They are so naughty and happy. They jumped into the water like ducklings, waved their arms, paddled and played, and fought a water fight. Their water is good. When they surfaced, they smiled and showed two rows of white teeth. How cute! ?
In the forest-in the forest after the rain, I saw that the pine trees were washed clean and tender by the heavy rain, and there were shiny water drops hanging on the pine needles; Under the tree, small mushrooms grow out of the ground, the umbrella-shaped mushroom cover is like a hat, and the lovely small mushrooms bloom under the tree like flowers. Suddenly there was a shout in the forest, which shook off all the rain beads on the pine needles. who is it? It turned out that children were playing in the forest with hats on.