Source: The Analects of Confucius at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period (22)
Original text:
Lutz asked, "Where's Sven?" Confucius said, "With my father and brother around, how can I smell and act?" You Ran asked, "Where is Sven?" Confucius said, "Si Wen must do it."
Gong Xihua said: "I also asked Wen Sixing about this matter, and Confucius said,' There is a father and a brother'; Let Si Wen do everything, Confucius said, "Si Wen does everything". Red is also confused and dares to ask. " Confucius said, "Seek to retreat, so advance; Because I am also a person, I retired. "
Lutz asked, "Will you act when you hear it?" Confucius said, "What should I do when my father and brother are present?" Ran Qiu asked, "Do you act as soon as you listen?" Confucius said, "Smell it and do it."
Gong Xihua said, "Zhong You asked,' Did you act as soon as you heard it?' "How can you listen and act when your father and brother are present?" Ran Qiu asked, "Do you act as soon as you listen?" ? The answer is' act when you hear it'. I am confused. Dare to ask again. Confucius said: "Ran Qiu always flinched, so he encouraged Ran Qiu;" Zhong You is fearless, so he is bound. "
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Appreciation of works:
Article 22 of The Analects of Confucius is a concrete example of Confucius' infiltration of the doctrine of the mean in educational practice. Here, Confucius asked students not to shrink back or go too far, but to advance and retreat moderately. Therefore, for the same question, Confucius gave different answers to the same situation in Zhong You and Ran Qiu. At the same time, it also vividly embodies a characteristic of Confucius' educational method, that is, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.
Baidu Encyclopedia-The Analects of Confucius Advanced Chapter
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