According to legend, there was a king in ancient times who succeeded to the throne in his teens. When he was nearly an adult, he had teeth and endured unbearable pain all day. The emperor was surprised and asked his ministers if he was lucky. One of the flattering ministers said, "This is the appearance of a wise man." The emperor was overjoyed and gave A Jin a high promotion. This may be the origin of the name "wisdom tooth" in ancient times. In fact, from the perspective of modern medicine, wisdom teeth are the necessity of human evolution. Of course, wisdom teeth don't grow when they are ripe, but they grow only when the average person matures.
Those who practice chanting the six-character Daming mantra can get all the benefits, such as getting rid of sin, being at peace, and dying in Amitabha or Guanyin Pure Land. In Tibet, many people fast Guanyin and recite the six-character Daming mantra for 100 million times, which gives them great feelings. Generally, people who recite the 100 million six-character Daming mantra will have a wisdom tooth, which is amazing.