The heart will hurt it. Chu Huaiwang made Qu Yuan a constitutional decree, but Qu Ping's draft was undecided. When the Shangguan doctor saw it and tried to take it away, Qu Ping refused, saying, "Everyone knows that you made Qu Ping an expensive order. Every time I give an order, I will categorically say,' I can't do it without doing it'. " The king was angry and shunned Qu Ping. King Chu Ping refuses to listen to his illness, flatters him to hide his knowledge, and evil songs do harm to all. Fang Zhengzhi couldn't stand it, so he wrote Li Sao, with sadness and meditation. People who are "Li Sao" still have a lingering fear. The husband of heaven, beginning of life; Parents are the foundation of people. If you are poor, you will carry your roots, so you will be very tired. The illness was terrible, so I did not hesitate to call my parents. It is a pity that Qu Ping went straight on the right path, exhausted his loyalty and wisdom, and served the monarch. Believe and see doubt, be loyal and slander, can you have no complaints? Li Sao, Qu Ping's masterpiece, is full of self-reproach, the national style is lascivious but not lascivious, and Xiaoya is resentful but not chaotic. If you write Li Sao, it can be said that it is both. Said Di Ku, the next Qi Huan, soup, martial arts, stab the world. The morality of the Ming Dynasty is broad and respected, and it is consistent to control chaos. His words are implicit, his ambition is clean, and his actions are mean. As the saying goes, a small article has a big meaning, and it has a far-reaching impact. Its ambition is pure, so it is called fragrant; It is cheap, so it is not allowed to die. From discharging mud, cicada sloughing in filth and removing floating dust, it is not loved by the world, and it is turbid without me. Push this ambition, although it is as glorious as the sun and the moon. Qu Yuan is short of money. Later, Qin wanted to conquer Qi, make friends with Qi and Chu, and benefit the king. Is to let Zhang Yi pretend to go (go: leave. Qin, a member of the Thick Coin Committee, said: "Qin hates Qi, Qi and Chu are close, and Chu is absolutely Qi. Qin is willing to offer 600 miles of commercial land. " Being insatiable and believing in Zhang Yi, he is absolutely Qi, making him like Qin. Zhang Yi lied: "It's about six miles with you, but six hundred miles is unknown." Chu made him very angry and returned to Wang Huai. The king of Qi was furious, and Daxing division attacked Qin. When Qin Fa-bing attacked him, he smashed Chu strategist and Xi, beheaded 80,000 people, and occupied the land of Chu in Hanzhong. Wang Huai was told that he sent China soldiers to attack Qin deeply and fight in Lantian. Wei attacked Chu and Deng. Chu soldiers were afraid and came back from Qin. But Qi was angry, and without saving Chu, Chu was trapped. Next year, Qin will cut the land of Hanzhong and make peace with Chu. The king of Chu said, "If you don't want to get the land, you'd better get Zhang Yi." Upon hearing this, Zhang Yiwen said, "Take Yizhi as the land of Hanzhong, please go far to Chu." For example, the state of Chu also set up sophistry in its favorite place because of the minister of Shanxi merchants with thick coins. Chu Huaiwang listened to Zheng Xiu and released Yi Cheung. At that time, Qu Yuan was sparse, and he was no longer in office, so that he returned in peace (anti: pass, return; Meaning: return), exhort Wang Huai: "Why not kill Zhang Yi?" Wang Huai regrets, chasing yi cheung, not as good as.
Qu Yuan's photo collection (14). Later, the governors attacked Chu, broke it and killed it. When the king married Chu, he wanted to meet him. Wang Huai wanted to do this, and Qu Ping said, "The state of Qin, a land of tigers and wolves, cannot be trusted. It is better not to do it. " Wang Huai's youngest son Zilan advised Wang Xing: "Why not Qin Huan!" Die pregnant with the king. After entering Wuguan, Qin's ambush never caught up with him, because he was pregnant with the king in order to cede territory. Wang Huai was angry and refused to listen. Zhao is dead, but Zhao is not in it. After the restoration of Qin, he died in Qin and was buried. Wang Li, the eldest son, married his disciple Lan. The Chu people blamed Zilan for persuading Wang Huai to enter Qin without opposing it. Although Qu Ping was jealous, he still let go, cared about Chu and the king of Chu, and never forgot to turn against him. I'm glad one of you realized that a custom has changed. Save the king and rejuvenate the country, but want to repeat the old trick. In an article, it leads to three goals. However, there is nothing to do and it cannot be violated. This is a way for a pawn to see the end of his life. No one is ignorant, wise and virtuous. He wants to be loyal and self-reliant and help others. However, the so-called loyal ministers are heartless, and the so-called sages are heartless. Chu Huaiwang was confused and deceived by Yi Cheung, and trusted Doctor Shangguan and your son Yin in Quping. He lost his soldiers, died in Qin, and laughed all over the world. I don't know about human disasters. Yi said: "I don't eat well, because I'm worried, so I draw." Wang Ming is blessed by it. " How blessed is the king's ignorance! When Yin heard about it, she flew into a rage. The pawn made the Shangguan doctor lack Qu Yuan to help the king. King Xiang moved away in a rage. As for Qu Yuan by the river, he was released from the bank of Yinze, with a haggard color and a haggard description. When the fisherman saw this scene, he asked, "Isn't this Dr. San Lv? Why are you here? " Qu Yuan said, "It's cloudy, and I'm alone. Everyone is drunk, I am alone, I can let go. " The fisherman said, "A man is a saint. He can coexist with the world without clinging to things. The world is cloudy, why not go with the flow and raise its waves? Everyone is drunk, why not give them a drink? Why think deeply and hold high and let yourself see? " Qu Yuan said: I heard that the new bather plays the crown and the new bather shakes his clothes. Who can observe with his own body and who can accept it? It's better to bury it in the stomach and ears of a river fish. How can you be white, the dust of the world? "It's Fu in Huai Sha. So Shi Huai threw himself into Miluo. After the death of Qu Yuan, followers of Chu, such as Song Yu, Jing Ke, were all called Fu. However, all ancestors dared not directly remonstrate with Qu Yuan in the end. Later, Chu Tian cut it, and it was destroyed by Qin for decades. More than 100 years after Qu Yuan's sinking into Miluo, Jia was born in the Han Dynasty, and he was the teacher of King Changsha. Crossing the Xiangjiang River, throwing books to hang Qu Yuan. Tai Shigong said, "I have read Li Sao, Tian Wen, Evocation and Mourning, and I feel sad for my ambition. Suitable for Changsha. After Qu Yuan sank, I couldn't help crying and wanted to see him. When Jia Sheng hanged him, he accused Qu Yuan of traveling with other materials to his ministers. Which country doesn't allow it, but he ordered it! Reading "The Fu of Ostrich Birds", life and death are the same. If you travel light, you will lose yourself. "