Chang' an fell, the country was broken, and only the mountains and rivers remained; Spring has come, and the sparsely populated Chang' an city is densely forested. From Du Fu's Spring Hope? It means: Although the country has been destroyed by war and fallen, mountains and rivers still exist, and in spring, the vegetation in the city will flourish. The word "broken" here means falling, expressing the poet's feelings of worrying about the country, hurting his time, feeling sorry for himself and missing his loved ones.
There is no waste of heaven and earth, and the toiling peasants are still starving to death. Li Shen's "Two Poems of Compassion for Peasants" means that there are no fields in the world that are not cultivated, but some peasants still starve to death by farming. The strong contrast brings people heavy thinking: why on earth is this?
Pity that he is wearing thin clothes, but he is worried that charcoal can't be sold, hoping it will be colder. Bai Juyi, a poet in the late Tang Dynasty, wrote "Selling Charcoal Weng", which means: Although wearing thin clothes, I am worried about the low selling price of charcoal, and I hope the weather will be colder. Charcoal is what people use to keep warm. The old man worked hard to cut wood and burn charcoal, which brought warmth to others, but his clothes were pitifully thin. Thin clothes should have expected the weather to get warmer. On the contrary, the elderly forced by life "worry about charcoal and wish it was cold", and would rather endure double cold in order to sell more charcoal. Through comparison, the tragic situation of charcoal sellers is deeply demonstrated. ?
Peach Blossom Pond is deep in thousands of feet, so it is better for Wang Lun to give it to me. From "To Wang Lun" written by Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, it means that the Peach Blossom Pond is deeper than thousands of feet, but not as deep as the affection between me and Wang Lun. Comparing the water depth of Taohuatan with the affection between Wang Lun and me, the water depth of thousands of feet is not as deep as the affection between Wang Lun and me. It shows the deep feelings of the poet and his good friend Wang Lun, and also expresses the poet's reluctance to his good friend.